Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Babbles and More

One down, two to go. I'm eager to get commissions done and out. Their owners have been waiting patiently, and for that I am thankful. There are only so many hours in a day that you can work on one thing. Being an artist, you have to find the balance between diligence in working, and working too much, ultimately putting out a poor piece because you rushed. Sometimes I can do that. If I've been working on something for a long period of time, constantly, I rush in an attempt to get it done and out of the way. If I feel this way though, the best thing to do is put it aside and come back later after a walk, some tv, or browsing MH$P. Really, you don't know how long I can spend looking at the sales pages...

I have some U/P resins of my own that I am eager to work on, plus a sales piece, my medallion sculpture, a TB SM with a CM mane and tail, and a model for my sister. And on top of it, tis' the season for resin releases... I'm happy, yet overwhelmed in a not so good way.

For other news, we leave for Africa in just 2 weeks (I'm psyched!), and our camera broke. Just our luck. 2 weeks before a once-in-a-lifetime trip, and it breaks. Thankfully we have a new one now. I can take good photos for commissions now too, so the owner can see an accurate representation of the model before it gets sent off. My goal is to get the remaining 2 commissions done, approved, and out before we leave for Africa (another 2 week wait for the owners if they are not done before then.) We'll see... (I also want to fit in some "me time", going to the barn for some riding, roundpen work, etc. Busy busy busy... and ambitious! )

I'll post pics from the Africa trip when we come back. :0)

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