Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Puttering Along

Since school has gotten back in session, things have become much busier. I have had many projects laying around for months that have needed attention, but unexpected plans or miscalculations in how much time I have to work on them have slowed me down.

I have 2 commissions still waiting to be finished - and many thanks to the owner of the Little One for being so *patient* and understanding, as LO has been here the longest. Things just keep popping up and the days fly by. Anyway, here is a glimpse at what is going on:

Above is a big 'ol pate filled with projects of my own (Oliver, Drastic CM MOW to 1/2 Arab, Chips Morgan to ASB, Mini Fabrizio, Netzky, CM Medallion, and 2 G3 Ponies), but those have been pushed way back in order to finish commissions such as the Running Mustang SM. He just has the first layer on and is on hold right now as my main focus is getting this Little One out the door, which has been here for quite a while.
Little One honestly has given me quite a load of trouble. No matter how thinned out the white is, I have been getting a rough, lumpy texture. However, I seem to have found something that works, which is sanding between every few layers of white. Its a very slow process because you may paint 3 layers, but you remove 2 layers sanding it smooth, so needless to say, progress is slow. However, this guy has been here long enough where it has gotten to the point that he must come with me where ever I go, so should I have a moment of free time, I can squeeze in some work.
As some may know, last summer was my first time taking commissions. Based on my experiences, I have discovered new ideas and solutions for how to be more efficient and what to do next time around. I'm a firm believer in learning from your mistakes, and I have certainly figured a few things out this year, so I plan to be much more efficient next summer. We'll see, but as for now, back to work!

Friday, August 20, 2010


I promised some photos from our trip, so those were just a few. There is too much to explain unless we were to talk in person. So to sum it up very quickly... 1 week was mission work at a health clinic in Mwanza, Tanzania, and then we had 3 days of Safari, which was absolutely *amazing*. After taking a trip the other day to the SFO Academy of Sciences, seeing the stuffed lions was almost a joke, especially after seeing them live, just feet away from the safari van.

Those were just some of the photos we took on Safari, printed out in sepia, and have displayed on our mantle. We took many more photos, but those were some of our favorites.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Joys of Success

Our family just returned from our two weeks in Africa, which was an amazing experience -- but more on that later. That will be a separate post. We got settled in and I'm back to work on commissions!

One piece is a Little One commissioned to be a Buckskin with artist choice pinto markings. Now, I admit that I was slightly nervous taking on that commission as I have only painted one or two pintos before... for me. Having that inexperience and also being under pressure to do one correctly for someone else made me a bit jittery. I could have been chin deep in you-know-what, but I took it, and today I began the dreaded markings... I am pleasantly surprised with how they are turning out though, and a little challenge will only enhance my artwork and expand my horizons. I have a hunch that it will be well worth it, and I hope I'm correct.

I'm tickled to continue this gal and see how she turns out, so back to work! I will post pictures when she is complete. :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Babbles and More

One down, two to go. I'm eager to get commissions done and out. Their owners have been waiting patiently, and for that I am thankful. There are only so many hours in a day that you can work on one thing. Being an artist, you have to find the balance between diligence in working, and working too much, ultimately putting out a poor piece because you rushed. Sometimes I can do that. If I've been working on something for a long period of time, constantly, I rush in an attempt to get it done and out of the way. If I feel this way though, the best thing to do is put it aside and come back later after a walk, some tv, or browsing MH$P. Really, you don't know how long I can spend looking at the sales pages...

I have some U/P resins of my own that I am eager to work on, plus a sales piece, my medallion sculpture, a TB SM with a CM mane and tail, and a model for my sister. And on top of it, tis' the season for resin releases... I'm happy, yet overwhelmed in a not so good way.

For other news, we leave for Africa in just 2 weeks (I'm psyched!), and our camera broke. Just our luck. 2 weeks before a once-in-a-lifetime trip, and it breaks. Thankfully we have a new one now. I can take good photos for commissions now too, so the owner can see an accurate representation of the model before it gets sent off. My goal is to get the remaining 2 commissions done, approved, and out before we leave for Africa (another 2 week wait for the owners if they are not done before then.) We'll see... (I also want to fit in some "me time", going to the barn for some riding, roundpen work, etc. Busy busy busy... and ambitious! )

I'll post pics from the Africa trip when we come back. :0)